10 LinkedIn tips to have a crazy effective profile and land your dream job
Lucky to be Young
You’re looking for the next big thing? Good for you! First things first, you need to optimize your resume and LinkedIn profile. It’s draining, we know. Applying for jobs is a job in itself. The most important thing you need to bear in mind is that in this Digital Age we live in, your e-reputation is everything.
We’ve gathered a list of crazy effective LinkedIn tips to help you land the job of your dreams. Check them out and apply them to your profile. You’re welcome!
1- Use keywords that recruiters are searching for in your headline
One of the most common mistakes people make on LinkedIn is only writing their current job title and company name in their headline. LinkedIn is a search engine just like Google! When recruiters are looking for someone to hire on LinkedIn, they will type the keywords they are looking for. If you only write your job title and company name, you won’t appear in many searches. Add keywords. You get 220 characters for your headline so try to make the most of it!
2- Don’t write “looking for an opportunity” in your headline
No recruiter will ever search for the keywords “looking for an opportunity”. If you want recruiters to know you’re job hunting, add the “open to work” option to your profile picture instead of wasting the little space you have in your headline.
3- Use a professional picture
Your picture is your first impression. You’re much more likely to find a job if you add a picture to your profile. Make sure it’s a professional picture not just a cropped one with a weird background.
4- Be active
Being active on LinkedIn is crucial. The more you share posts, the more likely you are to appear in people’s feeds and grab potential recruiters’ attention. Try to communicate on a weekly basis if you can. You can’t just set up a LinkedIn profile and expect recruiters to come knock on your door. You need to get things moving. Post, post post!
5- Participate in conversations
Leave comments on posts you find interesting. Don’t just hit the like button. You can impress recruiters with your insights, so go for it!
6- Add hashtags
Whenever you add hashtags to your posts, you increase your visibility. Choose your hashtags wisely though! You can search for the hashtags in the search bar and pick the ones that are trending.
Also, when it comes to hashtags, the more the merrier!
7- Complete your profile
Don’t forget to add your certifications, courses, trainings and skills. If you don’t communicate about your achievements, no one will hear about them.
8- Follow the companies you are interested in
This will allow you to be up-to-date with their latest activities and be notified whenever there’s a job opening. A little extra tip: whenever you apply for a job, reach out to someone who works at the company you’re applying to – idealistically someone from HR or who works in the department you’re interested in. You can find the list of employees in the “People” section on the company’s LinkedIn page.
9- Be real
Show the LinkedIn community who you really are and what you’re interested in. Tell your story!
10- Grow you network
Add the people you meet or even the ones you don’t know as long as they work in the same field as you. This way, your feed will be filled with content you’re interested in and it could help you land a job!