10 drawings that prove there is no revolution without art
Lucky to be Young
Reading Time: < 1 minuteEarth without art is just “Eh”. And so is a revolution.
The relationship between art and politics is not a new one. Whenever dialog isn’t possible anymore in a socio-political context, art steps into protest, as it is a key element in contemporary social activism. This past week, Lebanon has witnessed a flurry of artistic activism whether through doodles, caricature or street art.
Art aims to facilitate social and political reform. It’s supposed to make you feel something. So regardless of your views on the events, you’ll surely appreciate these 10 Lebanese artists that made us feel the revolution and listen to the voice of the youth. Check them out!
1 – The Unity
2- The little wins
3- The inclusive body types
4- More inclusiveness
5- The freedom
6- The public spaces
7- The human chain
8- The women
9- Such brave women
10- The expats
For every Lebanese expat experiencing Fomo
Art is an intimate encounter between freedom of speech and artistic expression. It is the ultimate exercise of freedom. Perhaps politically-motivated art will one day help change the world?