10 things Lebanese moms have in common
Lucky to be Young
Lebanese moms have the characteristics of what the French call a “maman poule”: extremely overprotective. They’re anxious over nothing and worry about everything. Go figure. Lebanese moms manage to take the “maman poule” thing to a whole new level. So if you were raised by a Lebanese mom, whether in Lebanon or abroad, you’ll probably relate to most of this list.
So here are 10 things Lebanese moms have in common:
1- They ask too many questions

2- They’re a bit overdramatic

3- Especially when you don’t answer the phone

4- They have their own body language
They usually use this gesture when you say something inapropriate in front of someone. Translation: “halla2 bfarjik”.

5- They start rhyming when they don’t like what you said

Credits to @Lebanesememes for this one 🙂
6- “Khod panadol” is their answer to everything
You have a cold? Fever? Stomach ache? Tuberculosis? Eh Khod panadol!

7- They turn into maniacs when they have a “3azimé”
And cook meals that last 3 days because they always overdo it.
8- They don’t understand memes

Whenever I show my mom a funny meme/video she asks “who is that?” I don’t know mom! Just laugh and give me my phone back.
9- They type like this

*Mom typing*
*Mom typing*
*Mom typing*
*Mom typing*
*Mom typing*
*3 min later*
10- “Khod jacket”
Every. Single. Day.

If I missed out on some other funny thing Lebanese moms have in common, feel free to share it in the comment section below. The more the merrier! Make the world laugh 🙂