8 Things Waiters Hate To Hate
They say, “A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.”
Well said Dave Barry and thank you for this awesome observation.
Let’s elaborate more on that, shall we?
We talked to some waiters and gathered some of the common things that they hate to hate when on duty.
1. Give the waiter your attention as he approaches your table
It’s okay to put your cellphone away and stare at the waiter. Don’t just keep on talking to the other people at the table while the waiter is addressing you. Don’t answer his “Hi! How are you doing today?” with a “One Diet Coke please”. You don’t care about his life and nor does he. But it wouldn’t hurt to respond to the waiter’s friendliness. At the end of the day, he’s just making sure you get a nice overall experience.

2. Make sure that everyone on the table is actually ready to order before you call the waiter.
Ready to order? Great for you! But wait a second. Before the eager and hungry you calls the waiter, make sure that the rest of the table have decided on what they want to have. It’s actually rude to make the waiter wait for everyone to make up their minds. He could have been serving another table in the meantime, and your friends wouldn’t have felt the pressure either (#AllEyesOnThem). It’s a win win, right?

3. Patience. Patience. Patience
We can all get cranky when the food takes more time to arrive. It’s normal. But don’t let it out on the waiter as he has nothing to do with that (and is probably feeling stressed about it too)! Instead, ask him ‘politely’ to check with the kitchen crew.

4. There is no such thing as WonderWaiter
Yes, the waiter did clean the table before you came in. And yes the waiter is probably great at multitasking, but remember he only has two hands, just like me, you and everyone else. So when the food arrives, make sure to get your phone, charger, tablet, jacket, scarf and purse out of the way. He shouldn’t be responsible of your own messiness too.

5. Don’t show a sign of superiority
Seriously though, don’t snap your fingers at your waiter. It’s such a faux-pas and it’s extremely rude. Don’t shout his name either. Wait until he gets close to your table and then call him. And don’t worry, waiters will always know that you’re looking for them. They will understand your body language or eye contact. You will not go unnoticed. And in case your waiter is occupied by another table, you can always talk to someone else.

6. What is rush hour?
Take a moment. Breathe and observe. Is the restaurant packed? More than the usual? Then expect a waiting list for your table and a slower service for your food. Don’t blame the waiter and go all crazy on him. If you feel that you have to leave a comment to the management of the restaurant, you can ask the waiter for a recommendation card (maybe suggest more waiters or more people in the kitchen). And no, you can never suggest waiters with extra hands…

7. Before you leave
Now we know, you’re basically full and just wanna leave. You don’t really feel like cleaning up afterwards. Well no one expects you to take out your plates and sanitize the table, but do the minimum at least. Don’t leave your dirty napkins and tissues spread out everywhere. Make it a bit easier for the waiter and leave a nice impression.

8. Tip, tap top…but tip!
Did you know that waiters rely on your tips for their living? Yes! The actual pay per hour for a waiter is not very… much, and think about all those super busy days and nights they’ve had, the fact that they skip their toilets breaks if the restaurant gets too crowded and well, everything else they go through. It’s physically, and mentally, tiring.
Keep in mind that better tipping will always serve you as a customer, since the waiter will keep on having better motives. Not to forget that most of the waiters are college students, trying to save up for their tuition or get some pocket money.

It’s your turn now…
Share with us in the comments section below your funniest encounter with a waiter for a chance to win two vouchers at one of our partners, CLASSIC Burger Joint and indulge in their yummy juicy burgers !!