Month: September 2018

You owe it to yourself to care less

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Here’s why! 



When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Keeping up with your job, studies, friends, and family is no easy task. I know, it sometimes feels like there are not enough hours in the day and not enough minutes in an hour. This is a friendly reminder that it’s okay to allow yourself to step back, reboot and breathe every time you feel life is getting a bit overwhelming. Sometimes solitude is the best medicine… or a happy hour with friends, you choose.


“It wasn’t logic, it was love.”

If you are like me, you might hear this very often: “Why do you put so much time and effort into something that’s just a hobby, or something that’s not going to last nor get you money? I’ll tell you this: some people are never going to understand why we situate ourselves to nights of minimal sleep, endless headaches, and never “focusing”. The truth is that most of our efforts aren’t really logical. We do it for the thrill of it, the thrill of the journey, not the end game. Our efforts are a result of real love, in that specific moment. And that type of love, my dears, is above reason.


Behind these people with smiles, there is a vulnerable human who blushes every time someone takes a photo of her/him. The camera knows all the secrets.

Most often when you read about photographers, they all tend to say that the most important thing they have learned in their years of practicing photography was when NOT to take a photo, the moments that need to exist only in memory. But sometimes, just sometimes, you might want to get greedy and might want to engorge yourself on both memories AND photographs. We, obviously, tend to forget this with the hype of social media nowadays.

But events never occur twice, you might never look the same as that one portrait someone once took of you. But at the very least you documented it!


There is a saying by Anon: “You think you know what you’re looking for until what you’re looking for finds you”.

Everyone and their Instagram stories want you to believe that the key to a good life is attending that event on Friday night, or going to that house party you’re not invited to, or having a pretty girlfriend, or even (these days) tying the knot. The world around you is constantly telling you that the path to a better life is what everyone’s doing. You are constantly attacked with messages that everyone’s moving forward except you. So you go and you engorge yourself in self-help books, you start going to these yoga classes you’ve always wanted, and you think to yourself your life’s moving a bit slower than everyone else. But who said we’re racing?


When it comes to life and love, why is it that we always tend to believe our worst reviews?

There is a thin line between asking for advice and receiving opinions. Sometimes, you might want to listen. Other times, accept what may be constructive criticism, learn from it and move on. There is something, however, in every one of us that waits and listens for the genuine in ourselves. And that, my friends, is the only true guide we will ever have and need.

Give us another reason why YOU shouldn’t care these days. Add your comment below and make it unique and “not so cliché” 😉



Reading Time: 3 minutes

With summer simmering down and September well under way, many of you may be dreading the inevitable return to school. It’s always sad to realize your days of summer craze are slowly coming to an end, and with good reason. Be it the trips, the parties, or simply the carefree laze of it, summer vacation certainly makes going back difficult. Since we’ve already posted some survival tips for all the university newcomers out there, this one’s for everyone else who may need a pick-me up. Whether you’re looking forward to returning or absolutely dreading it, here are four tips that might ease your segue back to ordinary life.


Many of my friends lose it when I mention sleeping at 10:00PM and getting a full eight (or ten) hours of sleep a night. They ask how I do it and I usually give them the same answer: sleep is a priority. It ought to be. Research suggests that quality sleep (of 6-8 hours in length) plays a role in promoting various cognitive abilities including but not limited to language, decision-making, and memory. On top of that, sleep can help you deal better with life’s stress, refrain from poor eating habits, and even gives you an energy boost in the morning!

Note: Sleeping too much and long naps throughout the day contrary to popular belief do not help. 6-8 consecutive hours of sleep, that’s the goal.


In a rush? Take something simple on the go. Having breakfast is beneficial in a number of ways. For one it boosts cognitive functions like memory and attention, making it much easier to stay focused, and not fall asleep. It can also mess with your eating habits later on in the day – skipping breakfast means you’ll be very hungry later on, and we tend to indulge ourselves when we’re excessively hungry. What makes a good breakfast, you may ask? In general, a balanced breakfast with high protein and fiber content with little carbohydrates would do the trick. Eggs, oatmeal, and cereals high in fiber and low in sugar coupled with fruit juice are ideal.

Another interesting effect of skipping breakfast has to do with our threshold for pain. Short term food deprivation may play a role in sensitizing your body to pain, so if you’ve been wondering why those morning classes seem to physically hurt

now you know.


I’m an athlete myself, and I’ll be the first to tell you, exercise is an awful lot of effort and time. As tedious as it sounds, it might be a good idea to get into the habit of regular exercise. Apart from the well known reduction in risks of cardiovascular disease later on in life, exercise boosts your immune system, brain power, and mood. It also helps improve self-confidence and body image. Importantly, exercise can reduce perceived levels of stress making quality of life significantly better.


Sure, at times you’ll need to lay low for a week and spend your time prepping for an upcoming test or project. Nonetheless, it’s important to remember to take time for yourself. Be lazy. Go out, see your friends. There are two reasons why constant, ceaseless studying is bad for you. First, it puts you in a state of chronic stress that builds up and has you feeling worse and worse. Second is the fact that constant studying doesn’t actually get you what you want. There’s a physical limit on how much information your brain can retain, so taking regular breaks while studying will actually help you learn more!

At the end of the day, it comes back to you and what you think works best for you.


Now it’s time for your advice. Comment below on what you feel makes going back easy!


How to Survive University

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The season has come for all high school graduates to leave the comfort of their own schools and step into the real world. For most, if not all students, the first day of university is intimidating. It’s scary to leave behind what you’ve once known so well and take a leap into something completely foreign. However, here are 5 things to keep in mind to get you through this experience.


You have to be okay with being on your own, whether it’s a 30-minute break that you spend eating alone on a bench or a whole day, you learn a lot about yourself by taking a minute from the chaos of society to sit and think. Put on some earphones or read a book if you like. But do branch out and socialize when necessary; the friends you make in university will be an important part of your life.


In school, teachers were there to remind you of your homework, projects and all your duties. You were guided and taken care of. The whole system was working towards providing the perfect environment to study. However, university calls for independence. You are supposed to be aware of all assignments, announcements and updates on your own. You are expected to manage your time and be prepared. So, here’s my tip: buy a planner, write things down on your calendar app, or jot down notes and reminders. Organization is key.


While some peers might appear to know all about the campus, the classes and even the best food around, be certain that it took them a while. After all, your university experience relies greatly on your own efforts to make it enjoyable. Put effort into social situations just as much as you put effort into studying. This is your chance to branch out, seize the opportunity.


Study daily, don’t leave everything till the last minute. Ask questions; the professors aren’t as intimidating as you think. Ask for help from some older students. Everyone there has been in your place at some point. They’ve experienced the confusion in a tough class and they might even have tips to help you study. The more you know about anything and everything the easier it will be to deal with any obstacles you face. 


Finally, in the chaos and stress of uni life, remember to take care of yourself. Eat healthy, take long baths and focus on your mental well-being. It might be overwhelming sometimes, and it sure isn’t easy, but don’t forget to focus on you and on the goal you are working towards.

You are getting the chance to experience a whole new and different lifestyle, make the best of it. The first few days will be hard for sure, but little do you know that you are building the best years of your life day by day.

Now it’s your turn! Tell us one thing you did or would do to survive university for a chance to win a pair of headphones from Malik’s!
