Month: March 2019

7 Possible Endings for Game of Thrones

Reading Time: 3 minutes

We’re all waiting for April to arrive, and no, not because the weather will be nicer and it will mean that summer is around the corner. In fact, winter will be here. You understood correctly: GAME OF THRONES’ last season will air starting April and we cannot wait to see what happens. Which is why we’ve come up with 7 possible endings for GOT.

  1. Everyone dies. The Night King wins in the ultimate GOT battle and ends up killing the Starks, the Lannisters, and even the Khaleesi.

  1. Everyone dies again, but this time they become night-walkers. Instead of killing the living, the Night King decides to recruit them for his undefeated army.

  1. Khaleesi, Jon Snow, Arya and Sansa win the battle. The Night King dies and consequently, so does Bran.


  1. Only Khaleesi and her right-hand Tyrion survive in the end. Khaleesi turns out to be pregnant with Jon’s baby who grows up to become the rightful heir to the throne.

  1. The one with exceptional surviving skills is the last man standing: Arya Stark. Arya completes her list while everyone else is in battle and eventually rises to power and inherits the throne.


  1. Tyrion Lannister escapes once again from death’s clutches in one of his always inexplicable ways, returns to King’s Landing, kills Cersei and takes the throne from her.


  1. Bran controls the Night King, wiping away all adversaries and becomes the least expected heir to the throne.

Now comment your prediction for an ending, for a chance to win 2 vouchers at dipndip.
Submit your answer before April 14.
The winners will be announced once the season ends.

P.S.: You should be below 25 years old


Fake ou pas Fake ?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Les Fake News ont toujours existé, mais en cette ère des nouvelles technologies, l’information circule à une vitesse impressionnante et il est de plus en plus difficile de s’assurer de sa  véracité.

Les Fake News peuvent se manifester sous plusieurs formes. On distingue le trouble de l’information (incomplète, approximative), la mal-information (non-vérifiée, déformée), la désinformation (acte volontaire de transmission d’une fausse nouvelle) et la fausse information (construite par une personne qui tente de la faire passer pour vraie).

Mais alors, comment savoir si une information est Fake ou pas ?

1- Distinguer information et point de vue

Qu’on ait affaire à une notice technique ou à un texte littéraire, il est important de distinguer l’information du point de vue que l’auteur a sur l’information. Une information est relativement objective. Un point de vue est personnel.

2- Repérer si l’information est de première main ou pas

Une information est dite de première main lorsque celui qui en fait le récit est celui qui était sur le fait. Plus le support de l’information est éloigné du fait qu’il relate, plus il est susceptible de subir des transformations.

3- Identifier l’auteur et ses intérêts par rapport à l’information

Il est indispensable de faire une recherche sur l’auteur d’une information car parfois ce dernier peut avoir intérêt à la modifier pour qu’elle soit en accord avec ses idées. C’est souvent le cas dans le domaine commercial lorsque l’informateur est rémunéré pour diffuser une certaine information.

4- Chercher d’autres points de vue sur le contenu de l’information et comparer

Souvent, des informations contradictoires sont diffusées à propos de faits identiques, notamment dans les journaux internationaux. Il est donc important de faire des analyses comparatives afin de distinguer les points de vue exprimés, développer un sens de la critique et arriver aux bonnes conclusions.

5- Analyser les éléments de surface de l’information (références, sources, dates etc.)

Toute information diffusée comporte des éléments de surface qui permettent d’en mesurer la véracité. Il est important de prendre ces attributs en compte lors de l’analyse d’une information afin de pouvoir l’évaluer correctement.

Au final, il est crucial d’aborder toute information par le doute et la mise en question. Mais le doute doit laisser la place à une vérité temporairement acceptable afin d’éviter de tomber dans le piège du complot permanent. Alors soyez vigilants quant aux Fake News, mais pas trop quand même !


7 lessons I learned from Phoebe Buffay

Reading Time: 3 minutes

So, here I am binge-watching Friends for the umpteenth time.

While Rachel Green was always my ‘Go To’ character, I couldn’t help but realize that Phoebe would definitely make a better role model.

Yes, Rachel is someone every girl identifies with. Whether it’s the drama in her love stories, her impatience, her love for fashion, her easy going lifestyle or her career ambitions, we can all find a part of us in her.

However, and through my never ending binging of the series, I realized that Phoebe should be the one to learn from, and here’s why:

1. She’s honest

We all know honesty is the best policy. . However, when it comes to saying “no” to a plan we don’t want to be a part of, we always tend to make-up elaborated excuses just to avoid saying “no”. Well, Phoebe just taught us that saying “no” is not so bad after all. It’s definitely better than overthinking and lying.

2. She invests in her hobbies

She loves to sing and she writes her own songs. Whether it’s at a small café – central perk – or on the streets, she doesn’t let anyone come between her and her music.
Smelly cat, S M E L L Y cat, it’s not your fault…

3. She’s confident

In a world where social media has increased our insecurities, it’s great to see someone as unique and special as Phoebe. She’s always so confident. She always agrees when someone compliments her by saying “I know” and always embraces her differences. She stares at the mirror very positively as she knows she is great.

4. Zen & positive all the way

She enjoys the moment, the present. Her happiness is an attitude, and she is not on the lookout for the thing that will make her happy. Instead, she always turns every situation into a fun one. Positive vibes all the way!

5. She does not care about what others think of her

No need to explain this one. But wouldn’t the world be prettier with more Phoebes?


6. She is a real friend to everyone

She always stands by her friends and family. I mean, yeah, they all do, but Phoebe’s care and kindness are like no other!

7. She doesn’t let her past define her

Yes, she had a rough childhood. However, she doesn’t let that stand in the way of her learning new stuff or catching up on what she has missed out on. She makes the most out of every opportunity.

For all the laughing and crying, thank you Phoebe. We love our Regina Phalange

Check out 16 Things I learned from F.R.I.E.N.D.S for a few more laughs!
