10 self-loving thoughts you should remind yourself and your friends
Self-love will literally solve all your problems. Honest. It is a journey, not a destination. Sometimes the roads are bumpier than others and that’s okay. What you need to remember is that self-love starts with just your thoughts. You live inside your head, and you are what you think, so might as well train your mind to be kind to you. Let the self-loving thoughts swarm, and self-esteem and self-confidence will follow! If I asked you to name all the things that you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?
You can start by reminding yourself (and your friends!) with this:
1- Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do, not a punishment for what you ate

2-For every flaw you see in yourself, name on thing you actually like about yourself
3- Your vacation doesn’t have to end with a “detox”. There’s no such thing as “getting back on track”

4- You are allowed to skip the workout because you’re tired

5- You are also allowed to nourish your body with a wide variety of food groups, free of restriction, and without feeling guilty
6- Don’t think the fashion industry doesn’t belong to you just because you keep seeing images of bodies that don’t look like yours on Instagram and TV

7- This poem by Erin Hanson
You are not your age,
Nor the size of clothes you wear,
You are not a weight,
Or the colour of your hair.
You are not your name,
Or the dimples in your cheeks,
You are all the books you read,
And all the words you speak,
You are your croaky morning voice,
And the smiles you try to hide,
You’re the sweetness in your laughter,
And every tear you’ve cried,
You’re the songs you sing so loudly,
When you know you’re all alone,
You’re the places that you’ve been to,
And the one that you call home,
You’re the things that you believe in,
And the people that you love,
You’re the photos in your bedroom,
And the future you dream of,
You’re made of so much beauty,
But it seems that you forgot,
When you decided that you were defined,
By all the things you’re not.
8- Let go of socially constructed ideas of beauty
9- Let go of other people’s expectations