5 easy steps to become beach body ready in 2 weeks
Lucky to be Young
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Do you think you’ll be happier if you lose weight? If you do, you need more body positivity in your life. Don’t worry; it’s not uncommon to believe that you’ll be happy once you’re thin. The problem is: it’s not true. I know there’s a voice inside your head that wants you to believe that it is, but it’s really not. Your life will not get better if you lose weight because your weight is not what’s stopping you from feeling fully alive. Your state of mind is.
Embracing body positivity really took a weight off my mind (word play! ;). So this article is obviously not a guide for you to become beach body ready because you already are, and also because there is no such thing as “beach body ready”.

Instead, here are 5 steps to follow if you want to acquire a body positive state of mind.
Step 1: Stop dieting
Stop dieting and please, join the fight against diet culture. It’s a trap! Trust me, you just need to find a balance, eat with mindfulness, and especially, enjoy your food. Stop the yo-yo effect. Every time you decide to start a diet again, remember this: “if you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got”. Diet culture is a lie. Stop falling for it.

Step 2: Stop tolerating comments on your weight or shape
You should have zero tolerance whatsoever on this. Don’t allow anyone to comment on your body whether it’s your parents, aunt or uncle, friend, hairdresser… it doesn’t matter. No one is allowed to have an opinion on your body. It’s yours and yours alone.
It doesn’t matter if they don’t mean harm, or if they believe they’re commenting “for your own good” or because they love you. If it bothers you (and it probably does), tell them to stop. Make it very clear that you do not tolerate their comments.
These small things make a difference. Set your own limits and be free.

Step 3: Sensor your unhealthy thoughts
Stop being so hard on yourself. Whenever you find yourself being aggressive towards yourself, make it a point to stop. Do it consciously. Enough with the guilt trips. You wouldn’t tell your friend he/she’s fat or disgusting or ugly right? Then why say it to yourself? Be kind to yourself. It won’t happen overnight but at least start trying.

Step 4: Do yoga
Yoga can help you reconnect with your body. I’m not sure it works the same way for everybody though. If it doesn’t work for you, try to find something that does. (You are your own person).

Step 5: Flaunt it baby!
Love yourself and flaunt it baby! Loving yourself doesn’t mean there isn’t anything about yourself that you want to change or improve. It just means that you are who you are regardless of everything and everyone. How empowering is that?

There you go! Just…be free.
Being body positive sets you free from society expectations and especially from your own thoughts. It’s a journey, not a destination. Embrace it!

Read 10 Essential rules happy people live by for more positive thoughts and vibes.