6 easy ways to fight stress
Admin BLF
You have already chewed three pencils, bought two spinners and still feeling stressed out. So what are you going to do about it?
Stress is part of our human nature. It is how we manage it that makes us feel better, live happier and be more productive. Stress is not some external agent – like a virus – that is invading you. Rather, it is something that comes from within, and that is good news! If you are part of the problem, then you are definitely part of the solution
How could one sort out a problem if one doesn’t know exactly what the problem is? The first thing to do is to identify what is causing your stress. What is really making you anxious? Is it something or someone?
No, it’s not true that school is stressing you out. You have to be more specific.
The answer to this question will help you deal with the real problem, the source of your distress.

Now that you know what the problem is, you have to take a big decision: I’m going to deal with it, once and for all. Avoiding the problem is not a strategy. It will increase your stress. If the problem is with your workload then you’ll have to come up with a better workflow. If the stress is caused by someone you work with – a teacher, a classmate – then you need to find the best time to have this serious discussion you’ve been avoiding for too long.

Cool people are those who are keeping a checklist or any sort of daily and weekly planning. When you write down what you have to do, it relieves your head and frees your mind. You know exactly what you have to do and when you have to do it. You can better manage your schedule and focus more on your priorities. Your to-do list is actually your personal assistant and a wonderful anti- stress solution.

Obviously, you can take a break ONLY AFTER you have worked hard enough. Working too hard for too long is a cause of stress. Contemplating the long list of what you have to do and doing nothing about it is a sure way to increase your stress levels. The solution is somewhere in between: work – break – work – break. The more progress you make with your to-do list, the more you deserve a break.
Spending hours watching Game of Thrones when you know you have a quiz tomorrow is not a break. That’s a total breakdown.

You don’t know it yet, but your phone is contributing to your stress. Or maybe you know it but you don’t want to admit it?
Keeping up with your various timelines, feeds, and updates is stressful.
You may have already noticed last time your battery went dead for an hour, it turned out you haven’t missed much. Right?
You’ve spent hours popping candies on your smartphone and now you want to pop some more. Does it feel better? Probably not.
How about you disconnect and keep away from your smartphone for an hour? How about you use this time to focus more on yourself?

Workout is the best stress relief. It won’t sort out the cause of the stress, but it will surely help you fight it.
Physical workout does amazing things to your brain and body. For your body has natural stimulating hormones waiting to be released. These “feel-good-substances” are triggered by physical workout. You don’t have to go to the gym if you don’t have time. Just put your earbuds on and start moving to your favorite music on Anghami, with Lucky to be Young you get 6-month unlimited access 😉