6 Things You Love/Hate about Easter
Christina Zeidan
1. Eggs as decorations, egg designs on napkins, boiled eggs for breakfast, lunch AND dinner because your mom went ahead and boiled way too many eggs…
Eggs. Eggs everywhere. Literally, everywhere.

2. That one annoying cousin who wins the egg-breaking challenge and goes into the physics of the “tap” on the surface and how he/she “had a feeling” that this egg was going to be a winner.
Yeah, okay dude.

3. The egg-breaking challenge itself. Like, if you truly think about it: we’re making such a huge deal about smashing one egg… against another egg… And then the winner brags about it until next Easter.

4. Getting super-dressed up in a cute summery outfit for the Palm Sunday lunch ‘gram but it’s literally early April so you end up freezing throughout the entire thing.

5. Pure hate: the concept of colored chicks sold on the side of the road. The fact that it’s blatant animal abuse aside – assuming we truly believe they’re not going to die within 2-3 days, what do we expect is going to happen – we’re going to end up raising full on purple poultry in our apartments?

6. Pure love: picking out the chocolate eggs to buy from specialty chocolate boutiques and tasting literally every flavor. “Ma ba3rif eza 7abbet el Mars egg aw el Snickers egg aktar… lezim erja3 dou2on ta arrir.”