6 ways to make new friends at school
Admin BLF
The school year has already begun and you’re well into the first semester.
If you’ve just switched to a new school or started your first year at college, then you’ve probably been pondering this question: how to make new friends?
Well guess what? You’re not the only one in this situation and there are some easy steps to make sure you don’t end up feeling nerdy.
This is not the first time you’re making new friends. Actually, your old friends were “new” at some point, until you became, well, friends.
One of the challenges of young adult life is that we get to leave comfortable and familiar situations behind, and move into new environments. Yes, this is challenging, but you may soon realize it is also exciting.

2. Who are you?
Meeting new people is always a chance to get to know yourself better.
Interacting with new people can reveal how far you’ve changed and evolved. That’s a good thing, right? The problem is that sometimes we tend to “reinvent” ourselves in order to please others. Whatever you do, remember to be yourself. Sooner or later, people will find out who you really are.

3. Don’t overdo it.
You may be excited and eager to meet these wonderful people around you. That’s great. Only you need to make sure they feel the same. Give it a little time. You don’t need to push your way around. How about you make a step and wait for others to make a step? That’s right, it takes two to tango. If you overdo it, your friends-to-be might be tempted to think you’re too pushy, and you’re not – or are you?

Sharing a meal with your new classmates is always a good idea. Whether it’s at the cafeteria or after class hours just outside school, eating together is sharing more than food. This is where you get the chance to chat about your favorite music playlist or even plan to go together to the movies next Friday. Yes, many great friendships start with sharing a dip of ketchup.

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Easier said than done. For how could one smile when one’s playlist reads “20 songs that will make you cry”?! Forget about your earbuds. School (or College) is where you socialize. That includes talking and listening. Feeling romantic? You can’t get enough of Wael Kfouri’s heart-devastating song? Save it for later when you go home and when you lay down on the bed for an intensive one-hour so-called “ceiling meditation”.

You don’t know it yet, but the girl sitting two rows in front of you is also a dance passionate. And that guy with tough looks? He happens to be an excellent guitar player who can teach you a couple of tricks. The best way to build new friendships is to share the same passions and interests, outside the realm of math, English literature and history books.

Did you just switch to a new school? Is this your first year at College?
How do you manage to make new friends? How is it going so far?
Share your thoughts and tips.
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