8 things to do to overcome the “Back to School” anxiety
Lucky to be Young
So, who else HATES “Back to School” commercials? When I was still in school, I used to get anxiety whenever the “Back to School” commercials of schoolbags, copybooks and pens started being displayed as of end of August. But the thing is, I’m in university now and I STILL get anxious whenever I see a back to school sign. And I swear each year it feels like they’re being posted sooner than the year before. Is it just me?
Back to school anxiety is real. So I made a list of happy things to think of in order to tackle and overcome this feeling:
1- You’ll reunite with old friends
You probably hung out with your closest friends during summer but catching up with the rest of your class will feel nice.

2- It’s the beginning of fall
Goodbye August heat! Hello gentle September breeze, autumn warm colors and pumpkin spice lattes!

3- New year, new goals
If you’re a kid at heart you know September is the beginning of the year –not Jan. And you know… new year, new goals, new ambitions.

4- You can still go to the beach
As long as the sun’s shining you can still go to the beach on the weekends. If you’re a true sea lover you know beach season starts in March and ends in October.

5- The positive side of routine
End of summer means the end of sleepless nights, parties, overeating and overdrinking. You’re back to your healthy routine and god knows you need it. Helloooo highly-needed detox!

6- You could meet the love of your life this year!
They say everyone has a soulmate… I think mine got hit by a bus or something so I guess that’s not gonna happen.

7- Maybe you’ll even get good grades this year!
Just kidding, you know that’s not gonna happen either right? Old habits die hard 😉

8- Or at least get better at Math for a change
Nah I know you’ve probably given up on math a long time ago but that’s okay 🙂 You’re still gonna make it in life just like everyone will!

And a Happy September to you!