Not 1 But 25 Things To Love On Valentine’s
Admin BLF
It’s that time of the year again. V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E!
And there are two scenarios that describe how you feel about this day. You either love it or hate it. There is no in between, right? If you love it, then you’re totally stressed over what to do, where to go, what to get your gf/bf or how to not look as cheesy as last time. But don’t worry; the internet got a lot of solutions for that.
And if you hate it, then you’re totally stress free since you have nothing to worry about. You’ll be chilling killing as long as you don’t see a lovy dovvy couple reminding you of those romantic moments you did have with your other half(or maybe didn’t). But don’t worry, the internet has also a lot of cool ideas for all the single people on how to enjoy a single Valentine’s day.
So basically, there is not perfect scenario. They all come with a package. I mean life ain’t perfect after all, right?
But let’s spice things up!
Valentine’s is actually related to the romantic love but that doesn’t mean we can’t have other things to love on this day.
25 sounds good! Yes, we are lucky enough to have 25 things to love!
1.To Start with, Love Your Person
Because, well let’s be honest, that’s what Valentine is originally all about, your romantic love.

2.Love Your Family
Your mom, dad, sister, brother, grandparents, auntie, uncle, cousin, cousin’s husband, cousin’s cousin, your grandma’s neighbor’s sister, literally all of them.
Whether you never knew some of them existed or not, you know they would kill for you!

3. Love Your Bestfriend
Because bestfriends are for life!

4.Love The Single You
Being single doesn’t mean you’re lonely. In fact, you will never know how to love someone else if you don’t love yourself enough. So invest in this time to get to know yourself better, to grow, and most importantly to learn on enjoying your own company!

5.Your Job/Internship/School
If you haven’t found what you like to do just yet, don’t worry because you will. But remember that happiness is a road and not an end. So love what you have for now and do it with passion. You never know where it will take you!

6.Love Your Talent
Because it will love you back even more! If you let It grow, it will grow; and most importantly, it will never break up with you!

7.Love That Book That Changed Your Life
We all have this one book that changed something in us, gave us another perspective or just affected us in a way.

8.Love That Unhealthy Relationship You Had
It might have broken you heart but it also made you the stronger person that you are today: A person with higher standards and different expectations.

Without them, you wouldn’t have discovered your true friends

10.Love these random nice people who would just smile at you for no reason!
And trust me, a simple smile can always change someone’s mood!

11. Love Your Favorite song
That song that is like therapy to you, that helps you escape or maybe makes you feel better!

12.Love that moment when your favorite meal comes out after a long time of starvation!

13.Love The weekend
It’s the weekend; no caption needed.

14.Love dem sales
When your favorite item is f-i-n-a-l-l-y on sale, this is a proof that you guys are just meant to be.

15.Love that awesome post workout feeling
We’re talking about mood boost, positive energy and stress reduction!

16.Love those deep late night conversations
Because the wolf in you believes that the best conversations are those that happen late at night

17.Love that The next season of your favorite series is about to come out reaaal soon!

18. Love that moment when you’re checking things off your bucket list
Or maybe your death list?

19.Love your PayDay
Because who doesn’t love the sound of a bling bling!

20.Love the second chances you get!
Because they don’t come very often…

21.Love The interesting and amazing people that add a sparkle to your life
Because they are rare to find.

22.Love The fights you avoided
“I swear I don’t love the drama it loves me…”- Are you sure though?

23.Love those awesome journeys you’ve had
And don’t forget to remember them when you’re having a bad day!

24.Love The good health you have
Because health is everything

25.Love your young self
Remember, you are still Lucky To Be Young!

Hey, We Want Your Input Too!
If you would like to add another thing to the list, do not hesitate to share it in our comments section below, for a chance to win a dinner for two at Urbanista!